About Me

Sanjida Yeasmin
Hello, this is Sanjida. I have completed my undergraduate degree in Sociology at the University of Chittagong and am currently enrolled in a Master’s program at the same university.
In the initial days of my undergraduate studies, I felt lost and confused about whether studying this subject was the right choice. I wanted to become a doctor, thinking it was the only way to help people. However, as time went on, I gradually fell in love with Sociology. This field, which is the study of society and human beings, opened my eyes to many possibilities. When I started to enjoy the subject, I realized I could be more useful in this field and I could still do a lot to help people.
I am deeply passionate about understanding and addressing social phenomena that affect the community. Still there are many social issues or phenomena that are often underrated and lack research. My goal is to forge a meaningful career in social research, to delve deeper into these areas and contribute to filling these research gaps. I want to become an expert in identifying and analyzing social issues. By combining academic research with real-world application, I hope to make tangible differences in people’s life.
My research interests include Climate and Environmental Change, Public Health, Migration, Gender and Social Development. For academic purposes,I have vast knowledge of both qualitative and quantitative research, as I have to take two courses in my undergraduate studies. This knowledge enabled me to undertake a research monograph on sex education among young people, where I implemented various data collection and analysis tools.
Recently I worked with the Centre for Qualitative Research as a Research Enumerator. The title of the project is "Women's Economic Empowerment and Equality Study" and it was projected by 'Manusher Jonno Foundation'. I am looking forward to working on upcoming projects as it will allow me to be experienced in this field.
Research Assistant
Women's Economic Empowerment and Equality study for WVL-B Project
I worked as a Research Enumerator in this Project. I led the CHT team and collected data from indigenous community. The aim of this project was to understand the successfulness of WEE project and how it impacted on women's economic development .